A small Ruby on Rails app built to store your music and keep track of your records seeded with one of my favouite record labels.
Built using PG search, Devise, API with OpenURI and the discogs API, Testing and System Tests using MiniTest & Capybara
Here is a sketch I created after taking Bruno Imbrizi's excellent Creative Coding course on Domestika.
Its important to stay positive and playful in your work.
After completing the bootcamp and breaking my arm, I set out to build my sister a small food blog. Here she can upload and edit her favourite recipes from a backend whilst visiters to the site can access the recipes in a simple format.
Hackathon task to make a dashboard for a middleware company to track all the APIs they have integrated and any upcoming updates or depreciations. Created using a Ruby on Rails Back End and React Front End
The final project from my 9 week bootcamp at Le Wagon. The objective of the app is to allow users to find information about megalithic sites across the UK and plan an excursion around these sites.
The project is build using Ruby on Rails backend and a HTML, CSS and JavaScript front-end.
My first rails project to create and store some favourite cocktails recipes.